Monday, February 23, 2015

Fair Use Week 2015

We are fortunate at LLCC to have a very knowledgeable and helpful library staff! This week I am passing on some information from Amanda Wiesenhofer who (among other things) is in charge of Electronic resources at our library.

Amanda also keeps current on the issues of fair use and copyright in this digital age, and has always been there to help faculty and staff with questions on this important topic. Last week she alerted me to the fact that it is "Fair Use Week" and passed on some great resources.

Please see the resources below about "Fair Use and Copyright" and let Amanda know if you have any questions regarding using materials with your students.
The tweetchat will address concerns like the following:
  1. Can I make a digital copy of this video?
  2. When is a public performance public?
  3. When can I break digital rights technology on DVDs?
  4. Is the auditorium a classroom?
  5. How can libraries preserve born-digital works acquired via a license agreement?
  6. And my favorite: What about YouTube? What can we do with YouTube?
  7. Ask Brandon Butler your media question. Participate in the Twitter tweetchat by using #videofairuse on February 25, 2015, from 3:00 to 4:00 p.m. EST.

Thanks again Amanda!

Keep Calm and Barry On!


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